Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Virginia Plan

The Virginia Plan
Here are some of the long awaited details for the Govt Club/Shakespeare trip to Virginia:

Dates: Friday, April 16 -- Monday, April 19

Plan is to spend the nights in Staunton, VA;
We will attend 3 Shakespeare plays, 1 Friday night, and 2 on Saturday
Sunday we will be driving to Orange, Va, and spending the day at James Madison's home.
Monday we will be driving home

Costs will include Gas; Meals; Hotel; Shakespeare Plays and entrance into Madison's home

Here are the tentative breakdowns, based on current information, and based on 12- 15 of us going.

per student:
Gas $20
Hotel, 3 nights $60
Shakespeare Tickets $60
Entrance to Madison $10
Meals $50

These are approximate figures based on the information and numbers I have now.
If anything the prices should go down a little, not up.

Any questions, just ask: Cathy at or 235-3305

I need to know by next Wednesday, March 24th which students plan to join us.